Wheel Vector

San Ramon Valley Schools

By Beverly Lane – February 2007

Grammar schools

1850s Home and early grammar schools were established throughout the valley.
Some home schools: Stone, Norris, Harlan, Glass, Bryant, Howard
1852 San Ramon school at foot of Cox’s hill, other locations
1854 Alamo school west of Alamo Cemetery
1858 Danville school one mile south of town

Six Grammar School Districts were organized, voters bonded themselves and these new schools were built:

1865 Tassajara School 1867 San Ramon School
1865 Green Valley School 1867 Danville School
1866 Sycamore School 1871 Alamo School

Over the years these one room schools were replaced after fires or when new schools were approved by voters.

Alamo had three schools generally on the same site, from 1871-1965; voters decided not to join the Danville Union District in 1931

Danville had three schools around the Front Street site. In 1922, voters approved a new Danville Union School District with a 4-room school on Love Lane

Green Valley had two schools, on the same general site, from 1865-1930 when voters joined Danville Union District

San Ramon’s first school lasted from 1867-1950 (razed in 1960), its second school near today’s Crow Canyon Road opened in 1950; voters decided not to join Danville Union in the 1930s and the 1940s

Sycamore School 1866-1927 in the same building; students came to Danville in 1927 and the Sycamore District formally merged with Danville Union in 1932

Tassajara School (the second) served from 1889-1946; joined Danville Union then

High School

Union Academy 1860-1868 (burned down). A private high school
SRV Union High School District 1910-1965
1910 Residents from Sycamore, San Ramon, Green Valley, Danville and Alamo voted to form the new District. Tassajara and Highland joined in 1920.

1910-1914 Eddy house, one house east of Hartz Ave. on Church St.
1914-1917 Front Street, upstairs in the renovated Odd Fellows rooms
1917- today San Ramon Valley High School placed north of Danville

SRV Unified School District was approved by voters in 1965